Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Advertising And Its Focus On Increasing Consumption Shaped...

The perceived prosperity of the 1920s was not only misleading, but was the catalyst that changed habits and norms of the American citizen and the American Government that lead to the economic problems soon to occur. One of the first major changes that truly influenced the average American was Advertising and the new idea of Consumerism. â€Å"Advertising and its focus on increasing consumption shaped the new society. President Coolidge considered advertising the most potent influence in adopting and changing the habits and models of life, affecting what we eat, what we wear, and the work and play of the whole nation† (Goldfield, 699). The 1920s were the start of every surface imaginable being covered by an advertisements. Now clearly it is not as much as today, where literally anything and everything will have branding on it. However, in the 1920s advertiser started using things such as radios, billboards, movies, streetcars, and even junk mail to get their product in peopleâ €™s minds. (Goldfield, 699). Advertisers even started going as far as discrediting and putting down their competition, claiming newer and better formulas or a much better taste (Goldfield, 700). The whole point of all this advertising was getting people to buy their products, even if they did not truly need them. New mass produced household appliances were a major new market. Everyone was trying to sell upper to middle class housewives new electric appliances, such as toasters, irons, washing machines,Show MoreRelatedThe New Consumerism And Media Culture1418 Words   |  6 PagesDenise Bowen The New Consumerism and Media Culture Professor Chyng- Feng Sun October 31, 2017 In Chapter 27, The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So Much More Than They Need, author Juliet Schor states consuming is authentic as it gets in the American culture and the standard of living has changed in relation to consumerism. Americans need to work longer hours in order to make money that they are then pressured to spend. Schor describes today s consumerism as the new consumerism.Read MoreObesity as a Social Issue Through the Advancement of Technology1026 Words   |  5 Pageshave shaped individualism, and can be seen to hold responsibility for a number of everyday phenomena. 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